No matter how simple it seems, it can really work. The case of your mobile phone can become a slight barrier for smooth signal reception. If you release your device from an additional layer of plastic, you can improve the coverage by at least 1 bar. And in blank areas two bars are much better than one, aren’t they?
No kidding, this time we do advise you to put on a case. But not that simple one. There exist special cases with a unique ability of signal improvement. We didn’t test them personally, but reviews on the web are quite promising. Apart from boosting the signal such producers like Pong claim that they will also protect you from radiation. The cases are available in a huge number of designs and colors to satisfy any client’s freak.
If you’re savvy enough to event something on your own, you can try to build a hand-made device able to amplify mobile signal, so called mobile signal booster. Some put it that you’ll need a few antennas for that, others that just a few coffee cans will be enough. For more detailed “recipes” we’d advise you to find specialized tech blogs dedicated to creation of similar technical appliances. Judging by our personal experience, such practice usually takes too long time before you get some result.
As an alternative you can buy a professional mobile signal booster. Since it costs money, the result is obviously expected. The working principle of the device is quite simple. It receives good cellular signal from outside, repeats it and then sends the enhanced signal to the required area. According to Internet reviews, it’s really important to choose a quality product since the market is overloaded with cheap fakes, not worth of their money. Among reliable producers of mobile boosters we’d single out Huaptec Telecom for a great number of positive user testimonials. This manufacturer produces HiBoost cell phone signal repeaters which effectively improve mobile signals all over the area they cover and have 2-year warranty.
There’re special apps that promise noticeable signal enhancement. Some of them work basing on the idea of optimizing your phone work and switching you to GSM network only instead of 3G. Since GSM requires much less energy, it can work. Some other applications will just detect the area nearby where you can pick up stronger signal. Most of the apps are free, so you can check their efficiency on your own.