You can install the Apps from the Google Play Store or get them from the links shown
here: http://aka.ms/worda, http://aka.ms/excela, http://aka.ms/ppta.
Who is not conversant with the highly popular and universally accepted ‘Office’ from Microsoft - comprising of, in particular Words, Excel and Power Point? Though there were attempts to imitate or bring up matching tools in the past for Android mobiles like Office Mobile, etc. but none of the Apps could evoke as much interest so long. It is in this backdrop that recent announcement of official release of Microsoft Office for Android phones and tablets has been a pleasant surprise for many.
With the availability of these popular tools for your Android tablet/smart-phone, you may now replace Office Mobile with the new Word, Excel, and PowerPoint apps and download them free from the Google Play. This would enable you to access, view and edit your Word, Excel and PowerPoint documents from virtually anywhere, like (a) the Cloud, (b) Recent Documents (c) Email Attachments, etc. Interestingly, when you make quick edits or add comments to a document, the formatting and content remain unchanged.
The Word, Excel and Power Point have been optimized for your smart-phone and they do look great. The benefits accruing to the user can be many: he can while opening a word document from OneDrive or OneDrive for Business, automatically resume reading at a place where he left off reading on his PC or tablet. In regard to the Power Point, the Slide Naviagator view lets him browse slides faster, while speaker notes help him practice his presentation. Creation of new Word or Excel documents is also made easy. One gets the feel of working with the original laptop mode Office without any hitch. Further, the user can review comments which he made in Word and Excel documents on his phone and can also add his own comments easily. It is expected that the Apps from Microsoft will be highly popular amongst the Android smart-phone users throughout the IT world.
You can install the Apps from the Google Play Store or get them from the links shown here: http://aka.ms/worda, http://aka.ms/excela, http://aka.ms/ppta.
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