CDW – the well known Consultants on Communication – have come out with a unique communication solution, called 'CDW Cloud Collaboration', which would enable the members of staff of an organisation to collaborate flawlessly and seamlessly through various tools like voice and voice-mail, mobility, video conferencing, contact centre services, instant messaging, etc. The mechanism provides for efficient message management when all the messages from the staff could be accessible through a single interface on one device in real time.

While this is a new solution, CDW is not new to this aspect of Unified Communication or of hosting collaboration tools. In fact, the company has over a period of last decade, completed over 4000 Cisco Unified Communication deployment. CDW hosts the service at its own Tier III-IV facility. The 485,000-square-foot data centre runs 8.2 megawatts of power to support world-class virtualization, storage and optimization services. The components are fully redundant, offering four nines of uptime.
The information on this could be accessed from CDW’s Solutions blog.