Dear friends and readers, let us thank you for your patronage and for staying connected with us during the year 2014. We made all endeavours to update you on the subject of information technology and technical developments. We tried to bring updates, news, stories and information and every thing else in regard to emerging technologies and gadgets, and we trust, these were of use to you. It was technology, technology all around. Today, we will not talk technology. We want to bring some smiles on your face instead, and wish to cheer you up and enliven your New Year celebrations. Happy New Year again!
The shopkeeper nodded and went over to a cage, took out a monkey, and said: ‘Here it is. It will cost you $7,500. The customer quietly opens his bag and pays off the price, and walks off with the monkey on lease. Amit was surprised: ‘Are monkeys so expensive here in this city?’ The shopkeeper on being questioned said: "Ah, that monkey is no ordinary monkey. It can program in C; very fast, tight code, no bugs, well worth the money."
"Oh, that one is a C++ monkey’, the shopkeeper responded. ‘It can manage object-oriented programming, Visual C++, with some understanding of PHP and Dot Net. In fact, he knows lot many things.’
Amit was highly impressed, and looked for other monkeys. A big fat monkey in a cage of its own had a price tag around its neck that read: $50,000.
He was further surprised and pointing to the animal asked: "That one is costing more than all the other put together! What on earth does it do?"
The shopkeeper replied, "Well, I haven`t really seen it doing any work but it says it`s a Project Manager."