Update Nexus 4, Nexus 7(2012 & 2013) And Nexus 10 To Official Android 4.4 Using Wugfresh
A Dev by the name Wugfresh has a Nexus Root/Unroot/Flash/Unblock/Unbrick Toolkit which is a like pandaro's box for every Nexus owner. Just follow the steps below.
- Download Nexus Root ToolKit.
- Select the firmware based on your device:
Nexus 7 (2012) Wi-fi Only - Android 4.4KRT16S.
Nexus 7 (2012) Wi-fi+Mobile Data - Android 4.4KRT16S.
Nexus 7 (2013) Wi-fi Only - Android 4.4KRT16S.
Nexus 7 (2013) Wi-fi + Mobile Data - Android 4.4KRT16S.
Nexus 10 - Android 4.4KRT16S.
- After choosing your device's firmware download it and then open Nexus toolkit.
- Then select your device from the list and select its current firmaware.
- Then select Flash Stock+Unroot and the select browse to choose your downloaded ROM and select it.
- Then press ok to flash and unroot.