- "In the next six months, we will see online vertical players, horizontal players as well as offline players coming online to sell groceries," he predicted. The India Brand Equity Foundation estimates that food and grocery accounted for 69% of India's $490-billion (Rs 300-lakh crore) retail sector in 2013, followed by apparel at 8%.
Entering new catogeries
- The entry of Flipkart and Amazon into this space will only validate the attractiveness of online grocery retail, according to investors."Groceries is a natural category for anyone to lust after, but the supply chain for groceries is very complex and has to be built city by city" said Sanjeev Aggarwal which has bagged big basket
Author : Syed Amer Uddin
Bio: A computer science engineer with keen interest for learning new ideas enabled him to acquire significant knowledge on various aspects of technology and Computer programming languages. He has always been fascinated by research, especially work that benefits common people or the environment.