How To Integrate CCAvenue/EBS/Payu/Payzippy/Zaakpay Payment Gateways In Custom Website
1. Configuring Your CCAvenue Control Panel
- Login into your ccavenue control panel.
- In the Menu, point to Settings -> API Keys.
- There you will find Merchant Id, Access Code and Encryption key ( Working Key). Copy all of them and save them aside for later use.
- User Id / Merchant Id : XXXXX.
- Current Encryption/Working Key : XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX.
- Moreover you need to send an email to ccavenue ([email protected]) telling enable your domain like (http://pay.yourdomain.com) to include in your merchant account.
2. Setup Your Domain With A SSL Certificate
- As you all know keeping customer information such as credit card, debit card and personal details as private is a compulsion and necessity of any online business.
This can be achieved only if company is using a 128 to 256 bit encrypted verified SSL certificate. We recommend you to buy a Thawte SSL certificate from HostChef.In
- To Install SSL Certificate for various hosting panels such as
- 1) Cpanel 2) Godaddy 3) Parallel Plesk
- You can see the example video below.
3. Download The Payment Gateway Integration Kits And Start Programming
- Integration Kits
- CCAvenue Integration Kits
- EBS Integration Kits or from here
- Payu or Payumoney Integration kit - Get it from the company
- Payzippy Integration Kits or from here
- Zaakpay Integration Kits or from here
- Now, if you are expert programmer then you must create a code based on your website technology like PHP, JAVA, ASP or Python in such a way that your website product should be sold in real time.
- In that your code must of MD5 ready and template ready for dynamic products.
- You are now ready to sell online.
- Note: But in case, if you are not able to develop proper integration kit for your website, then you must give that project to us. We are having a 6 year+ experienced persons working daily on this payment gateway. They can easily develop your kit.
Buy CCAvenue/EBS/Payu/Payzippy/Zaakpay/Direcpay Custom Integration Kit @ Rs 8000 Or $135
Note: Your details are secured with us and we keep privacy with our customer details.
Some Satisfied Clients
Author : Techies Net Autobot

Bio: I am a Techies Net Autobot, who runs a technology portal or forum trying to find and publish unique posts whose details you will not find on Internet. However, I am actually an application running in background to control and access our cloud server activity.