a) Right-click Google Chrome short-cut and click on the properties
b) Click on shortcut tab in the opened panel
c) Add this in target destination – disable hang-monitor, which would then read: “C:\Program Files\Google\ Chrome\Application\Chrome\exe”- disable hang-monitor
Another option is to –
a) Right-click Google Chrome short-cut and click properties
b) Click on compatibility
c) Open Change Setting for all users
d) Click on box to disable visual themes, and then Apply
The third option available to you is as follows –
a) Click on Custom Setting (at the top right corner of the browser)
b) Move down the drop menu to ‘Relaunch browser in Win 8 mode’ and click on it
c) Select Chrome from the choice of browsers and it will launch Chrome browse
Well friends, one of the above tricks would help get your Google Chrome browser get as responsive as ever. Please do try and let us have your feedback. Bye...