Story Begins: [Words Below Are Of Victim Only]
I then moved to United Tele Links and showed my mobile to Mr.Rajesh (9949553195) of 'United Tele Links', he then asked me to handover the handset to him with a promise to REPLACE it soon. I therefore handed him over my mobile handset on 28-10-2013. Since then i repeatedly reminded him for the replacement. But when i again called him on 22-11-2013 to enquire about the status of my mobile handset which was supposed to be replaced, he did not answer my calls. I then called on him at his office and he then started arguing that the replacement of handset will take maximum of 45 days and within that time i will be delivered with a new handset. On my request to check the current status on his computer, he checked it and told me that it stands repaired now.
He delivered the same old mobile phone in switched off condition with low battery. I was happy that atlast it will work fine. I came back home and when charged the mobile, i found that the problem was not been rectified and the same thing was persisting. The phone was automatically getting restarted again.
I was so angry and i called MR. Rajesh of United Tele Links and informed him politely about the problems persisting in the handset, he then promised me that he will replace the mobile when he receives new handsets from the company. On 27-11-2013 in the evening, MR. Rajesh of called me and asked me to handover the mobile handset by the next day and said that he will provide me with new handset within 15 days. Since then i have continuously remained in contact with him. After 15days when i requested him to provide me with a handset as promised, he said that he has not yet received the new handsets from the company and will receive it by 22-12-2013 and promised me to give the handset by then. Now on 23-12-2013 when i walked into United Tele Links and met him to acquire my handset, he made me wait outside for 2-3 hours and came out saying that he cannot replace the handset and asked me to take the same old problematic handset and go. when i questioned why did he took my handset then promising replacement and made me wait so long, he started abusing me and said to do whatever i want to do. By seeing the condition of my mobile it seems that he has being using the device these days and maked it more old and ugly with large and thick scratches, that is why I have not taken the handset from United Tele Links.
As a proof, i have the acknowledgement of the device taken for replacement with a stamp of the company on it.
I have also informed the concerned authorites to look into this matter seriously via email at ([email protected]) and asking them to replace the handset or refund the amount paid for the purchase of the mobile. Unfortunately there is no response for them as well. I wanted to contact to the MD of Karbonn Mobiles Mr. Pradeep Jain but there is no phone number nor email address available on the internet.
I then opened the facebook page of Karbonn Mobiles to post my problem and there i found everybody is having the same problem and they too are having the same problem and as they do not have any means of expressing there views in a blog or website, they are shouting and shouting and at last remain quiet due to no solution.
To get a solution for people like me suffering from ill treatment of a waste service center i contacted my friend Mr. Shoeb Ahmad Fareed, owner of Techies Net to post this problem on the net by keeping in mind that this would may wakeup the Karbonn Mobiles to improve their service and if they can' t do that, then they should feel guilty and close their company soon as possible or now itself !!