
LG has come up with innovative marketing ideas to popularise its products in areas where it has still to gain much ground. One such attempt has been to launch a contest in the Philippines recently offering three of its flagship smartphone, LG G5. The contest is simple and easy to participate and the entries are accepted from the 4th to 30th March, 2016 – a total of 27 days!
All that one has to do for participating in the contest is to post the accompanying image to Twitter, Instagram or Facebook by using the hashtag #BestLGG5Friend and complete the sentence: “My #BestLGG5Friend is ……………….” and enter the name of one of the accessories shown in the image, and explain as to why do you think that it’s the best ‘friend’ for LG G5. The accessories include: LG Rolling Bot, LG 360 CAM, LG 360 VR, LG CAM Plus, LG Action CAM, LG Hi-Fi Plus, B&O Play and LG Tone Platinum
One may post any number of entries by indicating different ‘Friend’ with the condition that the entry does not amount to a duplication. The winning entries will be chosen at random. Entries with missing image or the hashtag will not be qualified for the contest. All the entries would be accepted till 4:59 PM (Philippines Time) on the day of closure, i.e. 30th March.
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