Panasonic has this week launched a low-cost budget Android phone – the latest in its ‘T’ series - at Rs 4,490 that would be available for sale from this month itself. Some of the features of the phone are comparable with high-end devices. With 3-G compatibility, 1.2 GHz quad-core processor, dual-SIM support and a 3 MP rear camera, the phone can justifiably claim itself to be the one for the masses.
Panasonic T33 runs on Android 4.4.2 OS. It flaunts a four-inch (480 mm x 800 mm) IPS display. The phone has 512 MB RAM apart from the storage provision for expanding to the extent of 32 GB through micro-SD card. It is equipped with a fairly good rear camera of 3-megapixel (2048x1536 pixel) with LED flash, as also a VGA front-facing lens. Further, it supports a whole lot of Indian regional languages – 21 to be specific – and is backed by 1200 mAh Li-Ion battery.
The phone with capacitive touch screen is of the dimension of 125.8x65x10.1 mm. The operating frequency is Dual Band GSM 900/1800. It has Bluetooth, GPRS, Edge, Wi-Fi connectivity, FM band Radio, USB connectivity and other usual features that go with such handset. Available only in two shades – Pearl White and Duke Blue – the phone is likely to get popular in the Indian market.
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