Facebook, as you know, recently took over the mobile messaging app WhatsApp. It now claims that the messenger service WhatsApp's user base in India has grown to a phenomenal 70 million active-users. The Company's Business Manager Head, Neeraj Arora revealed that it has now reached the 10th position in terms of the global users.
In the annual INK Conference at Mumbai, Mr. Arora, who also holds the position of Vice-President at WhatsApp disclosed that the messenger service has 70 million active users here in India, who make use of the application at least once a month. He also said that India is one of the biggest markets for WhatsApp, and that connecting billions of people in markets like India and Brazil is the main aim of the company. WhatsApp will continue to hold separate identity even after the takeover by Facebook and will not get merged with the social networking giant in future.
There are a billion people in India coming online for the first time by using their Smartphones. WhatâsApp is advertising heavily to catch them as early as possible. It has taken nearly two years for the $19 billion deal to be finalized and based on how fast the WhatsApp user's base kept expanding over this period.
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